Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Yes, I am still here.  Just been a very busy girl.  It seems that once it becomes this time of year, my life becomes quite hectic.  Although it can be very hectic at times, I still enjoy this sweater weather. 

On another note can you believe that it is already November?  I sure can't.  Before you know it, it will be turkey day.  Has it started to get chilly where you are?  Well... it has started to get a bit nippy here.  I love it though.  I especially like that I get to wear my tall boots and scarfs.  Plus there is nothing like cuddling up on the coach under some warm blanks snugging with your honey.  

What is your favorite part of this time of year?

1 comment:

  1. We were wondering were you have been. Gald your back. Oh yes, I do love this weather. There is nothing like a big fuzzy sweather and scarf. Im not that into the boot thing (more like my barn boots), but I do like the look. Glad to see you back. Are you cooking a turkey this year?


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