Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Long or Short?

I am trying to fight the urge to cut my hair.  I want long flowing locks but it always happens that I get this feeling to cut it all off.  When I say cut it off, I don't mean chop it all off but get a cute bob.  I think it has something to do with the length that is at now.  It's the in between the short and long phase.  Then I will see  a cute up-do or a girl with those long wavy ringlets and want my long hair back.  I really wish I had the face to wear braids, because there are so many different ways you can wear a braid for almost any occasion.  
Did you know that there is a salon that has a braid bar,  Who would have thought.  Since I have a lot of occasions going on this year, I guess I will have to let this urge hibernate for a while!

1 comment:

  1. hi, first time visitor here! i feel ya on the hair thing. i'm actually getting mine colored and cut today and part of me wants to just say TAKE IT ALL so i won't have to deal with it during the hot summer YOU KNOW?!

    nice meeting you.



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